A business plan without a clear marketing direction will cause considerable frustration and prove to be ineffective. To effectively build a sound marketing strategy and plan, your business must have a clear vision for your products or services in your target market.
How do you?
- Compare strengths to the competition, and then find ways to leverage that strength into sales.
- Create a visual map of your industry.
- Focus on where your industry is in its life cycle to find new routes to innovation and renewal.
- Plot your product or service’s features to determine which strengths to promote in marketing.
- Determine which position you and your competitors “own” and how to change either.
- Search out the “critical success factor” for your business and build your organization around it.
At Market Results we utilize an innovative and highly analytical approach to marketing plan development. We consider all available resources including industry and market research to meet the goals and objectives of the leadership team. We use our highly developed Great Growth System TM to help build a successful marketing plan and improve market share.
Great Growth System TM
Our Great Growth System is the foundation of our firm. It has been proven over and over again to bring results to companies of all sales levels and experiences. We give management the ability to track and improve upon contact with prospective clients.