Our Client Successes
IP-backed Manufactured Product Company-
Needed improved profit and cash flow growth and financing support
Three years ago, we helped a local $3 million small technology manufacturing company that was in a turnaround situation to better manage their cash flow and on-board $850,000 financing from Asset Based Lender. Then over the last 18 months, Market Results helped improve annual profit growth by over $300,000 by increasing sales and marketing productivity, on-time shipments, and key cost actions. At the same time, the company had minimum online marketing presence and now is a leader for inbound, outbound, search, and ecommerce marketing for their product categories. We believe they are on track for doubling profit growth this year. Market Results helped the company recently by obtaining commitment for $1.8 million growth refinancing with SBA guarantee at much lower cost. Market Results continues to help their team enhance marketing and sales capabilities cost effectively to improve profits and cash flow. Project funding consisted of monthly retainer, monthly marketing automation software, small special projects, and deferred compensation based on sales, financing, and profit results. The project cost fit within cash constraints, yet provided specialized resources to complement existing team and was organized to produce substantial results.
Consulting Company Transitioning to Software Sales –
Needed high growth and liquidity event while living within cash constraints
In 2000 to 2003, Market Results helped a re-engineering startup software company that had founders from GM with consulting focus. They invested approximately $250,000 with Market Results over the 3 years to go from zero enterprise software customers and mostly consulting revenue to $10 million over the three years. Typical deal size grew to $250K to $1,000,000 software sales once we got involved. The company founders sold to Rational Software, which was then acquired by IBM. Their process re-engineering software tool was important IP component of the value of this transaction. The client was able to get JD Edwards (now owned by Oracle) to use the tool to improve speed and accuracy of their ERP new customer startups. Customers via high profit deals funded this company’s high growth to achieve liquidity exit.