Every Business Needs
In the modern world of business, it is imperative for every organization to focus on sales growth and profit margin. Unfortunately, in today's constantly changing business climate, managing the responsibilities of day-to-day operations can often leave little time to enhance the marketing and sales strategies.
Market Results offers a customized and consultative approach to fit your business, learn and market opportunities. Nearly every business needs to develop high quality relationships so there can be a consistent flow of new sales each year. With over 30 years of consultative business to business sales experience. Market Results can define and implement the systems and processes to carry your company's sales and profits to the next level.
Is Your Business To Business Team Challenged By:
- Big New Market Opportunity and Need Fast and Cost Effective Marketing and Sales Growth
- Mature Business with Less Than 9% Consistent Annual Growth of Sales and/or Profit
- Owner Needs Process and Financing To Gain Liquidity and Create Successful Succession Plan
- Division of Large Company with Need for Rapid New Product/Service Sales Ramp Up
- Cash Flow or Bank Financing Challenges, But Have Strong Product or Service Inability to Accurately Predict Next 6 Months to 24 Months Sales, Profit and Cash Forecast
- Strategic (2 to 5 year pipeline) and Tactical (1-2 year pipeline) Results Oriented Marketing Currently is Limited
- Startup with High Value, High Growth Opportunity Ready to Sell, But Has Limited Funding
Market Results offers customized and consultative approach to fit your business, team and market opportunities that easily scale and pay for themselves. Nearly every business to business (B2B) company needs more high quality relationships at the top of the funnel, so there can be a consistent flow of new sales each year..... This big gap is critical for you and your team to OWN NOW...instead of relying on unpredictable pure transactional business model that puts profits, cash flow and sometimes the business itself at risk. New models of enterprise-to-enterprise value-added sales no longer are expensive to implement. As a matter of fact, our clients replace their outdated marketing, sales and delivery systems with much lower cost systems and process while achieving increased growth results within the first year and for many years into the future. Highly personalized marketing automation and business productivity cloud software implementations are key components for many clients that our Great Growth Consultants support for our client teams. Know what to work on and what not to work on is critical to get unstuck or break the stagnation.
Businesses that sell to other Businesses are our 30 year specialty to create aligned systems, processes and teams that can manage "Great Growth". Not too little! And not to much! Typically, double digit sales and profit growth with strong linkage to operations and finance that can be sustained for years. Our "Great Growth System TM" and includes "Aligned System of Work TM". This repeatable methodology and systems are configurable and have worked for a variety of industries and companies from the largest to the smallest that have a valuable product or service offering. The Great Growth System has demonstrated increased market traction and increase profit and cash flow.
Sticky Awesome Newsletters
At the center of most email campaigns are your newsletters and Market Results can assist you with creating your own sticky awesome newsletters. Educate your customers and prospects with high value and consistent content that accelerates their journey from unaware to aware to serious interest, and eventually convert new customers or expanded customers to your products and services.
30 years of experience available to go from activity-centric emails to sales results-centric emails is available via online courseware and/or marketing consulting. Also, with this experience and expertise in leveraging many of the existing email and marketing automation tools, like Hubspot, Act-On, SharpSpring, ActiveCampaign, Benchmark, MailChimp, ConstantContact, and others, we have introduced the first automated tools for gathering audience and seller specific email news productively, at a low cost, and with newspaper level editorial quality. Our clients and their target prospects and customers have turned this “sticky” digital content into real value for great relationship development and maintenance. This is an opportunity to dominate mind-share and email-share with your best target audience.
Find the Right Starting Point
Driving growth within an organization involves a lot more than spreadsheets, a motivational speech, and a simple day of training. Market Results commits to understanding your strategy and objectives and aligns your customer-facing teams and processes to achieve those goals.
Market Results consulting services help clients identify and develop customized initiatives to capitalize on your growth opportunities.
Assemble the Best Growth Talent
People are the cornerstone of any business. Finding the right people for the job and placing them in roles where they will succeed is critical to the health of any sales or professional services organization.
We provide critical analytics that are a result of measuring behaviors, skills, interests, values, attributes, motives and traits (collectively known as competencies) that contribute to successful performance in sales, marketing, leadership, and related growth roles. The Chally Assessments have been validated with over 400,000 person on-going analysis with our ability to apply to the small or big business-to-business companies.
Sales Excellence
Team and enterprise level customer relationship development and sales processes are critical for success in today’s hyper-competitive markets. Below 10%, flat, negative or inconsistent annual growth is an indicator that your team is missing needed level of sales excellence. Market Results has helped startups, small, medium and really big companies find their growth Mo Jo (technical term for Sales Excellence). Seek your consistent double digit growth play!
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Client Testimonial’s
– Alan Holsztynski
– John Corey
– Becky Oliver